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Thursday, April 12, 2012


ya remebered my pass so ya?


  1. your here! woo not staying i know...

  2. JPL0132(tjtheturtleisawesomeApril 1, 2013 at 2:37 PM

    Hi guys (again)...If you still want to know and stalk me, find me on youtube, facebook, instagram and bleh.

    search tjtheturtleisawesome and most likey you find some account made by me.

    If you see my youtube, you can hear my vioce and other randomness. I'm not even sure if you guys even check anymore. I was bored in my 2nd period class so I decided to search up usernames I made and then I remembered this blog. So, say something on my youtube and say that you know me from Animal Jam and I will subscribe and whatnot. So, hopefully see all of you and meet again!
