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Saturday, August 20, 2011

I have 101 buddies????

This is weird i don't remember having 101 buddies....

I was hoping with Wings but they didn't show up..

I hope Animal Jam fixes this glitch soon!

Seal Play Glitch!

Do you see this Seal become invisible? She only pressed play and once she started to play at one point she became invisible! all you have to do is to be a seal and press play!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A DRAGON????!!!

A New way of typing!

I found this out-If you can figure it out(first one to comment and the right words) you will get this the real part
---------------------------------DECODE THIS MESSAGE----------------------------------
h1! 1f y0u c4n r34d 0r d3c0d3 th15 m3554g3, pl34se c0mm3nt 4nd wr1t3 wh4t 1 4m 54y1ng w1th0ut th3 numb3r5 but r3pl4c3 th3 numb3r5 w1th th3 c0rr3ct l3tt3r......th3r3 4r3 cr0c. plu5h135! 
Please try to decode the message--its really easy here are some hints
5 means S
4 means A
3 means E
Now you can decode the whole message..Jam On!

New Plushie!

The new crocodile plushie!Thanks to lilfella234, i found out there is a croc. plushie!

I'm looking for more glitches....

I'm looking for croc glitches but so far i haven't found any! I will tell you guys when i found one!

With the NEW! color changing items....

With the den items now that you can change color, it adds a new twist to your den!(this is iloveyuhX3 den)

Another Freedom Item! And Movement.

There is a non member Freedom mask! I found out from coolspeed10 and he showed me how crocodiles sit!

The Crocodile moves!

Thanks to tigernator7 he showed me these awesome moves!

New Animal! And New Items!

The new animal is a crocodile!
The new pet is a hamster...But what is the New gift? I'm thinking a rock.....
New clothes items..
Den Items...But..You can change the colors of the den items(only for members)

But thanks to iloveyuhX3 - she bought me a blue coffee table! Thanks!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bee Glitch!

I learned this glitch thanks to the writer of Animal Jam Flash.. Since i can't record my screen I'll just explain in word(i know..boring!) So go to Coral Canyons and go to the beehive-
Click the beehive- make sure your music is on, and you will hear a buzzing noise- if you go to different areas you can still hear the buzzing!

Heart Balloon Glitch

This is from Animal Jam Flash- If your a koala and you wear a heart balloon and then you walk your balloon will be a Clover balloon(much darker color) To prove this- the real clover balloon is the picture at the bottom and its a lighter color!

I tried to make a peace sign out of pillows but with a little twist..

You guys remember the peace sign that I posted before? Well I tried to do it.. but I don't think it looks like a peace sign...or does it?

Well, then a little later I just tried pillows-And it worked much better!

Great idea! In thehottestevz's den!

Lines of fire!

Bunny Party! At whinny101 den

We hop until we drop! 

This is the non member cat hat if you haven't seen one

Fun Joke!

Get it?

Turkeys in midair...

Well cinnaberry546 , whinny101 and me are having fun as a turkey at whinny101's den! We are in midair (0.0)

Flying Turkeys

Turkeys can so fly!............Maybe.

Turkey Fun!

Is there such thing as a pink turkey?

Are Scarecrows Fat?

Jammer of the week

Monday, August 15, 2011


i was walking until i saw max220 with weird things on his legs..turns out they are super rare non member freedom bracelets!
You see the blue and white bracelets on his trade list..those are the Super rare freedom bracelets.There are only 3 freedom items (super rare) freedom bracelets, freedom helmet, and freedom wings. I don't know who has them but I saw Burrowfeet with the wings once. They are so cool! But theres only three freedom items on Animal Jam! Thats why they are Super rare!Jam on!

A den full of plushies!

Meow21's den is full of colored plushies! Its  like a animal Rainbow!