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Saturday, September 10, 2011


Flying bats and Turkeys!

Who is this???

Oh My god. Someone made a username like this here it is....
JPL0132fanX3? Wow. I'm that famous???!!!

Mean people

 From a Suggestion:

We all know who scammers are right?  People who scam are really just cyber bullies. If you think someone is a scammer, just say,"real trade or no trade" or anything to be against them. Don't feel bad if you think you'll be reported. I have helped people not get scammed and never got reported. Help others and help yourself!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

No Eyes?

I don't have eyes nor do the other bunnies!


Hey all of you reading this, I know many people don't look at my blog but you can comment as anonymous but place your username at the end but..I really need some suggestions....are there any?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Thanks to cupck, i learned that you can take gumballs out! Just click the hole of the gumball machine

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Window change

The window can change from 4 different places

Clicking items.....

Animal Jam now has more clicking reaction items like the exploding cake(see the post) and now the clouds!
you can click them to turn them off ! Most of the clicking items are den items though.


Click on the candle of the cake and BOOM the cake blows up. cinnaberry546 told me this.. its so cool!