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Sunday, October 16, 2011


the Frankenstein glitch doesn't work anymore but there is the clover blanket one

Cool thing!

Plushies make a heart at iloveyuhX3's den

How do you get a lion?

You must buy this card
On the log on screen you will see the card at the bottom right cornner
Yai think you have to buy that to get a lion

More of lion

THis thing about the lion is that you can have the name- king of the jungle
Plus look at her again------wearing a crown haha XD


This is the first lion i have seen! She showed everyone  at the place i was at how lions dance!

Cool things

luis2335 has a awesome bat and this other person had a pink viking hat!

That new code doesn't work

The new code feast doesn't work on me..

OR is it

Does it work on you?