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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Loading bug AGAIN--

Somethings really wrong with my computer look:
Haha a unhappy :( puzzle sign i have no idea what happened but there was a message too (LOL)

Don't ask i did it cause i dont now

Loading bug

I think i got another loading bug cause this is what happened:
everything was black....

A thing that you probably think that's its not there...

There is a pink reindeer antlers.. bet you you didn't know that

Last day to VOTE!

So far cinnaberry546 is in the lead!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Its possible to have 12 animals!

Look at sweetness77 he has 12 animals! No kidding he also has a red witch hat freedom helmet a smiling pumpkin mask?

Can every member get 12 animals?
Well is is i just checked LOL

You know how some people don't believe in brown top hats?

I got one on a trading list- i saw in on cowsandlightbulbs trading list!

So there really is one!

Just saying

You know when you log in there's a world? Well why do they have Africa? This games is english (LOL)

I was just saying.

Sunday, September 18, 2011