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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sorry to say but..

I will barely play Animal Jam anymore because I am a 7th grader(IF you didn't know) and 7th grade and up have tons of homework. If you think there's too much homework in elementary school; just wait until middle school. So I started a new blog not about Animal Jam its called

which is more my style so Sorry Guys

From JPL0132
(probably this is the last post)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Code I didn't know but found on


It gives u 500 gems(weird right?)

Wanna know all the achiments???

Here's the link to find that out...If the link doesn't work, then copy the address and paste it in te address bar

So many achiments -.-

And I only have abot 105 of them... Maybe the Link is not fully updated..

Off topic again but this is really cool!

Want to "kill Google"?
Click on the webiste on the top
NOTE: the website only will "kill google" if you are on google chrome or firefox
You can even search!

And you can Drag things around!
Even though you can't see it but I am dragging the google thing.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


the Frankenstein glitch doesn't work anymore but there is the clover blanket one

Cool thing!

Plushies make a heart at iloveyuhX3's den

How do you get a lion?

You must buy this card
On the log on screen you will see the card at the bottom right cornner
Yai think you have to buy that to get a lion

More of lion

THis thing about the lion is that you can have the name- king of the jungle
Plus look at her again------wearing a crown haha XD


This is the first lion i have seen! She showed everyone  at the place i was at how lions dance!

Cool things

luis2335 has a awesome bat and this other person had a pink viking hat!

That new code doesn't work

The new code feast doesn't work on me..

OR is it

Does it work on you?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I'm just tooooooooooo lazy

I don't like too:

type correctlly sometimes

type a lot

change my profile


So many about 12!

This person has 12 phantoms statues! I can't all of them on the screen shot but...hes this weeks epic den of the week!

Let's jump!

I will take a screen shot of  me and some people!  If you don't know how to take a screen shot i will tell you.

Finding Gloves?

It says that its loading gloves. Does that mean that glove will come back...again?


I think the new animal will be a octopus because when you log in you see a octopus right? And a turtle too.
And maybe there will be a under water pet! (seahorse) But who knows? We all wait to find out :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Just got hacked

                                              laurel019           ryleigh121212      bluepup429

But these great friends helped me find out who hacked me


laurel019 knew it was kevinisgoed but ryliegh121212 helped me find them and bluepup429 was here.
hacked me

haha but ill try to hack him

kevinisgoed, if you are reading this

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Loading bug AGAIN--

Somethings really wrong with my computer look:
Haha a unhappy :( puzzle sign i have no idea what happened but there was a message too (LOL)

Don't ask i did it cause i dont now

Loading bug

I think i got another loading bug cause this is what happened:
everything was black....

A thing that you probably think that's its not there...

There is a pink reindeer antlers.. bet you you didn't know that

Last day to VOTE!

So far cinnaberry546 is in the lead!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Its possible to have 12 animals!

Look at sweetness77 he has 12 animals! No kidding he also has a red witch hat freedom helmet a smiling pumpkin mask?

Can every member get 12 animals?
Well is is i just checked LOL

You know how some people don't believe in brown top hats?

I got one on a trading list- i saw in on cowsandlightbulbs trading list!

So there really is one!

Just saying

You know when you log in there's a world? Well why do they have Africa? This games is english (LOL)

I was just saying.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wheres this?(a contest for every week)

Heres the rules:
1. look at the picture
2.find where it is
3. Be the first to write the comment(write your user so i know who you are) and get a PRIZE!

Picture for this week:
Prize is:
NOTE: this is one of the easiest contests but there will be very hard ones with BIGG PRIZES



Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I just played the new games..

The new games under water are AWESOME! I like the one where you can eat fish.

AWESOME under waterness!

Under water there are new moves too Check it out!
Also... theres a new background if you are under water


Police hats are in stores! So are flower glasses! I will check out the ocean!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Let's have a contest---1st ever:P

Answer this question by commenting

How many different items are on sale in the store in Jamma township?
(member and non member)

Answer and you will get a free star glasses!!
(you don't have to be first in order to get the prize- you have to be top three )

Write your user name I'm your comment so I can give you star glasses!
( if you're not a member I'll trade you one***)

wings mania!